Have you faced this?
No responses to CVs, no good offers
Labeled overqualified here, lacking experience there
Don't know what next move will make sense in the new country – everything is changing so fast
Is your reality like this?
Youe want to land a dream job abroad ASAP
You are like a zebra learning to live among polar bears – cultural friction is no joke
You want to be future-proof when AI is on the march
We are Olga and Elshad

A Cultural Scientist & a Tech Hiring Manager, multiple times migrants. We co-founded CV Abroad Career Hub to help you secure your career results abroad using our International Career Marketing method that we developed based on the cases of 1300 international professionals. When we started, we were living in Berlin, Germany, now we are exploring Southern Europe and are based in Tenerife, Spain.
Clients say
People like you bought
Career Marketing Abroad
1.5 hours Zoom-time
All career marketing documents created for you
Personal job hunt strategy developed
1 hour voice & text support via Hub Chat
Increase the number of job interviews abroad
Get noticed by recruiters on LinkedIn
Communicate your professional worth in the new region
Market your skills with confidence (CV, CLs, LinkedIn, networking and more)
Career Changer
3 hours Zoom-time
Market orientation + All career marketing documents created for you
Personal job hunt strategy, learning & development recommendations
2 hours voice & text support via Hub Chat
Discover what career paths stand open for you abroad
Get tools to land a desired job (CV, CLs, LinkedIn/Xing, networking & interview prep)
Translate experience from one industry to another
Start moving towards your new chapter with support
3 Interview Invitations
We work for you as recruiters
We apply for you to generate 3 relevant job interviews
1 job interview prep session + written preparation materials
Individually tailored education on the career realities in the new region
Job hunt system developed for your career case and explained so you can use it in the future
* You can pay in up-to 6 interest-free installments via Stripe. You review the results of our work and can suggest 2 revisions – it's your marketing documents after all.