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Well managed diverse teams generate 30% more revenue.
Germany needs 260.000 international professionals annually.
33.000 IT positions in Germany remain unfilled every year.
3.000 IT positions remain unfilled in Austria due to talent shortage.
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Clients say
Olga, Content Architecture Specialist
from no invitations in Berlin to a dream job at Netflix

Nicolas, Business Development Pro
back to corporate positions in the middle of the pandemic

Ulyana, Product Manager/award winning HR, Greece
from unsure in Athens to a leading EdTech in Berlin, choosing between several offers

Leonardo, Lead Software Dev, India
from being ready to work as a regular coder to confidence in Germany

Julia, Junior Product and Marketing
from thinking she is nothing special to predictable interviews and offers in Prague

Nahla, Quant Analyst / Coder
from Morocco to Germany

Buma, recent graduate
from Bishkek to Berlin

Vladimir, Business Unit Head MedTech

from USA to Europe

Liubov, Chemist
from Montenegro to Germany

Anna, Business Analyst, Pakistan
from unsure with her "online course education" to a job at Gorillas

Ivan, Russia
from confused in the new German market to an offer after 1,5 months with us

Dzhanan, Bulgaria
from unsure as a graduate to an offer in an international company

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